
Social Biz Connect [SBC] is made up of two main platforms,
1. FREE SOCIAL PLATFORM which operates like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and the like where you can chat, update status, poke, add photos and videos etc. As the name suggests, it’s FREE to access and also NO INCOME expected.
2. PREMIUM BUSINESS CLUB : From the name premium which also means paid, here members of the free social platform named above, join the business club by paying a subscription fee of Ksh 3,600 equated to $40.
With the $40 investment, one gets a reseller license of the following services;
1. Online Advertising Platform to run unlimited adverts on the site that will keep flashing one after the other and can be synchronized to other social sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
2. Online Marketing Tools which include [A]. Ready made capture pages.
[B]. Autoresponder System
[C]. Contact list builder. &
[D]. Broadcast manager.
3. E-learning center with videos and ebooks which fully downloadable and can be save on drives for transfer or use while offline.
To access the premium services, one must have upgraded their accounts so that they use the services as consumers by either;
1. Using the services to promote their own businesses and for personal development which includes skills in network marketing business, dieting, dos and donts for business people among many others.
2. Finding customers who need to use the services but ain’t in position to join SBC whom you charge a fee you will agree on. [You keep all the money made here]. That money is all yours because you bought the services and whatever you do with the services, is up to you.
3. Reselling the same services to other people by referring them to join the NETWORK MARKETING
Network Marketing is also called Referral Marketing Where a member of an organization refers other people to join the organization that he or she represents. The referred member becomes an independent affiliate of the organization and also refers others and the process repeats itself overtime.
These referred members also join the free platform and then UPGRADE their accounts by paying the $40 investment from which $25 dollars is paid to the Introducer/Upline/Sponsor.
NB: One is allowed to sponsor/introduce as many people as possible because your network is what pays you. Also, the SBC PAY PLAN is made in a way that you receive two PASS UPS from every KEEP you get. This helps networks grow massively.
Below are meanings of terms used above in reference to SBC.
1. UPGRADE ~ this is when one subscribes to the Premium Services by paying the $40 investment.
2. PAY PLAN ~ a laid down fomart that is used in compensation of commissions to sponsors from either KEEPS or PASS UPS.


3. KEEP ~ is a directly referred member one has sponsored to join SBC.
4. PASS UPS ~ inherited members of your network who were referred by keeps.
5. UPLINE ~ is the person who introduced you to SBC. Also called inheritor or sponsor.
Now that you understand how SBC WORKS, start your journey to financial http://www.socialbizconnect .com This link redirects you to SBC website.
TO sign up for a free account, click on JOIN NOW BUTTON on the site. If the inviter username is required, use sammy96 . After you sign up, click UPGRADE BUTTON on the site for Instructions on how to get started.
Social Biz Connect © 2013
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